57. Just stop!! (Please!)

Hey everyone… welcome to this weeks blog post. beautiful and clear… and well,… I don’t think we can argue with this one!!

Hope you enjoy

Love Tonja xx

Ooooh we just love our little meet ups…. our time together. Hello you special soul.

So happy we are meeting again today, thank you for being here, we love you! That’s all there is to it!! We buzz with love and silliness because we are just so excited to be connecting with you…

But we have to keep a straight face today. Straight face and stern voice. Maybe then you will listen to us? Haha… maybe…..

So today is all about stopping. We see you. On your dashathon through life. Never stopping. Not really. Your body may stop. But when do you let yourself really stop and rest and recover? It is important you know! Not just important. humungously critical!!

Sometimes we make you stop. Oppps… sorry. We know you don’t love that. A surprise fall, and unexpected injury (nothing too serious… just enough to make you stop!) Sometimes we make your car stop. Whatever it takes!! We confessed there, just know we are doing it for love!

We want to let you into a well known little secret. well known for us anyway! So, aren’t you lucky… getting all this inside information?!

The secret is this: stopping and doing nothing is good for you. It is not just good. Nope .It is not just healing. Nope. It is also a time when you can actually receive. Receive ideas, healing energy, massive downloads from the Universe. From us over here, loving you every day!! We love to help you. But most of the time you can’t hear us, because you are way way way too busy in your head. Over loaded with stimulus. Trying to work it all out. All on your owniewonie. Aghhh… don’t do that!! We are here to love, support, guide and assist. We will give you the solutions, the ideas, the answers. Because let’s be honest, nine times out of ten you don’t have them! (and 10 out of 10 we do!! 😁)

Time doesn’t work in the way you expect. Take an hour off…. replenish with 5 new hours of vitality and strength. That is a fact.

Take some time to notice the small details. Immerse yourself in the beauty all around you. Do you even know how many petals a daisy has? Or if a bee has four wings or two? Mmmm….. spend sometimes in nature. Surround yourself with that green energy of life. It is so good for your soul!!

It may surprise and delight you to know that we even have downtime! So funny to imagine isn’t it?! Haha… would love to know what image is popping up for you right now!!

We go on the beach. look at the grains of sand. The flow of water. We throw the ball for the dogs and watch their happiness. We sit with our families and just be. We love animals and nature and just being. Just like you do! (or should do anyway! and will do now, right?! 😁)

So here are your instructions and directions for the week. Take time off. Just be. Notice the details. Sink into the healing. Replenish.

You can do it. We will love you all the way. Every day.



58. Hats off!!


56. Collaborate and Communicate