75. A simple message
Hey everyone… a sweet blog today with great power. Hope this resonates and you find it helpful and comforting.
Much love
Tonja xx
Hello sweet ones… today brings a simple but very powerful message. A message you know deeply, but sometimes you forget.
Perhaps you have forgotten and need this reminder today? We so hope it stirs up a deep rooted knowing, and the message, the feeling and the joy stays within. Easy to recall and access, an anchor to guide you.
The message is this.
Love is everywhere. And it transcends all time and space. Love is the greatest power and it can be felt in all dimensions, in all spaces and in all times by all beings.
Love is a great healer.
Heal yourself with love.
Love is for everyone.
And you can heal yourself with your own love!
It is like a powerful soul healing elixir, and you have it always at your fingertips.
So just remember you have that power and that gift sweet ones.
Let’s get clear. Let’s paint a picture that you can see and appreciate and feel.
The loved ones who have stepped over to other dimensions can still feel your love. And they can still feel your need for love.
They will receive your love and embrace you with their love.
There really is no time.
We are all living, being in the same moment.
Moving between energy and dimensions, we are free to leap about through time and space.
Of course we have the hang of that, and we (light bearers and ascended masters) respond to a call and we can be there with the bucket full of love and the arm full of healing quicker than you can think the thoughts!
SO always ask for help. For love. Your guides are always ready to help. We love to help.
So give and receive love freely sweet ones, for there is no end and no limit.
Well, aren’t we the lucky ones!!
We all have love at our fingertips!!
Now, knowing that- don’t you feel better?
What a relief to know you don’t have to do it all alone.
You are so loved.
Bask in this healing tonic and then pass it on!!
Wrap the beautiful Earth up in love.
Keep sharing it!
The more that is shared and generated the more that is shared and generated!
We love you. So very much.
Love to connect with you sweet ones.