83. There is always a chink!

Hello. Here is the blog. Written and channeled in the middle of the night. Guidance from my guide to you. With love. Enjoy.

Sweet ones, as we bathe you in light and love, we hear objections. Reasons why you can’t trust. Reasons why you can’t change. The feelings that this is it, there is no chance of a new way, a different path.

For some of you there is a feeling a being trapped, of being held against your will in a world that doesn’t listen or respond or respect.

Oh. But, if we may be so so bold. How wrong you are!

Don’t you think the pavement, solid in it’s concrete, can’t ever be changed? Of course it can. There will be a crack, a chink for the light to pour in, and Mother Nature will reclaim the energy, and begin once again to thrive.

Your Soul is always looking for her way to get back to wholeness, to her nature. Always seeking out a way to thrive and grow and flourish and bloom and thrive. Always.

It is only your restricted human self that the sees only excuses and limitations. The Soul sees and feels no such things. It has an inherent desire and strength to find the pathway of truth, the power of the jungle. Of freedom.

So, now that you know that sweet ones, now feel about how you will thrive. How you will stop hiding back and pinning down your own Soul? Because we are afraid to say only you are stopping you!!

Aren’t we annoying?! Haha. We know. It is frustrating. Because you have no-one to blame.

You are in charge of you.

So live your life. To it’s fullest and most buoyant. Live your life in its most expressive form of you. Who is that really? (a little contemplation pause!)

Ah, but yes… it will take so much work you say. mmmmmmm….. sweet ones….. more excuses.

Let’s be clear. Again…! It will take work. But Soul work is not hard work. It is easy work. It is happy work. It is joyful work. It is in the flow kind of work.

So don’t be put off by what seems like an enormous and giant big mountain to climb. Because you will relish every step. Because it will be your step. Your Soul step. Your steps of freedom. The air will smell sweet. Sometimes your feet will hurt and you will wonder if you will ever get to the top. But most of the time you will love the journey. Enjoy the ride. Look around and be proud of how far you have come, of your achievements.

And your Soul will be happy. In bliss.

So no more reasons why not our sweet friend, and instead, feel all the reasons why you can. Feel all the ways you can. And feel in this moment your new pathway ahead. Looking wild with energy and colour, wild with diversions and delights. Wild with your beautiful Soul energy, as you invite in new people to share your Soul path way with. People who love the same colours and pathways that you do.

Step forwards today on your Soul pathway. It may be wild and unknown, but you will love every step as you clear the way and let in the light. Your Soul light.

Are you tingling yet sweet ones? we are!!

We are here for you too. Every hard step. Every uncertain step. Every lonely step. We are here. Cheering and waving and cartwheeling!

And the more you see, feel and walk your own Soul path, the more you see, feel and enjoy all of us! Your team. Here for you. Always!

We love you



84. Stuck in the mud!


82. Dust off the direct line!!