85. Two sides of the same coin!

Hiya! This weeks blog has an amazing and powerful message. Perfect for us all I think!!

Hope you enjoy!

Love Tonja xx

We see you, running and hiding…. hoping fear won’t get you!!

We want to explain something today sweet ones. Something important. Everything is linked, and it all comes from love.

Fear is just another expression of love. Do you need to read that again? Because we see you all running from it, but it comes from love. It just means well. It wants you to stay safe, that is all.

Fear isn’t your enemy. It is your friend. It saves you. It loves you.

Think of fear as an elderly relative, perhaps an old lonely Aunt. She lives a small and contained existence. She doesn’t understand the world fully. And she loves you. But she hasn’t had much experience of life. She doesn’t know what is available or how you can feel when in the full flow of love.

So treat her with respect, with kindness and love but also treat her to a pinch or two of salt!

Because she doesn’t see the whole picture.

You see, everything is an expression of love. Even pain. Yes, we know that is so hard to understand sweet ones, but if it was all skippy and whoopee all day long you wouldn’t know the ultimate joy because you would have nothing to compare it with.

So, mud and rainbows are all made with the same energy… the energy of love!

So learn to love the fear, work with her, soothe her. You will move forwards, but without looking over your shoulder to see if Aunty is following!!

Life will feel lighter if you are not running away from something, but instead skipping towards something, enjoying the rain and the mud and the happy squelches.

You, sweet ones are in charge. Not Aunty Fear Pants…. Nope. You are the one in charge. You get to choose.

MMmmm…. that does feel better already doesn’t it?

Feeling the love. Feeling the gratitude for all the things will lift your energy up a rung or two, and will then bring you more of all the things you love into your life.

And Aunty Fear Pants will soon start to feel safe with the new way of doing things. She will start to enjoy all the adventures, the high vibrations and the exciting energy. And she will enjoy handing over the power too… she doesn’t really like being in charge!

In a nutshell sweet ones, shoulders back, held held high, arms outstretched, ready to embrace life and feel all the thrills (and the sneaky little fears too!).

This is your life. Take control of all of it!

And we will love and support you every step of the way.



86. The golden pathway


84. Stuck in the mud!