101. Shake the tree!


Here is the blog for this week. Very powerful words indeed. Hope you enjoy!

Love Tonja xx

We feel so honoured and privileged to be here with you sweet ones, it makes us fill up with joy and excitement that you are here listening to our words. Hello and welcome!

So sweet once we have an important message, again!

We see you, sitting under a beautiful tree. A tree laden with ripe ready fruit. Every now and again the fruit is so ripe and so full of juice that it drops to the ground. You look at it, surprised and a little bit delighted, and you eat the fruit. What is very surprising sweet ones, is that you never look up, you don’t see the tree laden with the fruit, ready to be picked.

The universe shakes the branches every now and again to remind you that the fruit is there, and still you just look to the ground in surprise and eat the bruised fruit.

Above you there is rich and sumptuous fruit that will taste extraordinary and light up your tastebuds. But, you don’t get up. you don’t look up, you just wait.

After a while the universe gets a little bored and tired of this game. Because it is a one-way game. Where is the fun in that?

A different scenario sweet ones is this.

The fruit drops to the ground, you look up and you see all of the fruit above you. And you don’t just see the fruit above you but you also see all of the possibilities of this fruit. You see the seeds that will keep you in flow and abundance for ever more.

You feel excited. You stand up, and you find something to gather up the fruit in.

You plant some of the fruit so that you can grow more trees. Are you collect so many you make plans to make cake, puddings, jam and marmalade.

You wake up excited every day to collect more fruit.

The universe loves this game, and always replenishes the tree overnight so that there is always bountiful supply of this delicious ripe juicy fruit, just for you.

You no longer have to eat bruised old fruit that has dropped to the ground. You can eat it straight from the tree.

You get to share all this delicious fruit with others, even those who don’t look up, don’t get up, don’t take any action. It is still lovely to share the gift.

Can you take some moments every day to feel grateful-not just for this beautiful tree that keeps on giving, not just for the abundance in your life, but also feel grateful for yourself.

For you took the courage to look up, to stand up, and to take the action needed. The Universe loves to support you every single day, and you feel so excited and grateful to be intertwined with the Universe in this beautiful dance of joy.

You make cakes tarts, jams and marmalade. You share the fruit, you plant the seeds so that you have more fruit to share.

You feel so joyful, and you feel so in alignment with the Universe. Everything is wonderful, healthy happy and joyful.

So sweet ones, if you find that you’re eating bruised dried rotting fruit over and over, maybe it is time for you to to take action.

Maybe it is time for you to stand up, be brave, look around and see what is available to you too.

The Universe wants to engage in a game of life with you. So don’t disappoint it, don’t be a bore. Shake a leg, shake an arm, and play with the Universe,. Because everyone is a winner when you playing a game with the Universe.

Sweet ones, sometimes it can be hard to look up, to get up, to do things differently from everyone else.

There is love, there is support, and there is joy all around you. You may not initially see it, and you may not initially feel it.

But you are here to live in love, to live in joy, to live in abundance.

Some people on your beautiful planet are caught up in the misery of eating is a bruised fruit, the lack of fruit, the pain and suffering that is all around.

The way for change is to take a different approach. It requires beautiful beings just like you to stand up and shake the tree.

It takes beautiful beings like you to radiate love, put a smile on your face, feel the joy, and join in with the playful abundance that the Universe is offering.

So sweet ones, eat the fruit, feel healthy well and abundant, and share the love.

Spread the smiles, the laughter, the hugs and the connections.

Not everyone is brave enough to get up and shake the tree, but everyone will appreciate that you were doing that.

When you are shaking the tree, you are shaking the energy, and you are telling the Universe that you are playing, that you believe, and that you are ready.

This is the time. Let’s all shake the tree together. We love to play!

We love you and we are here for you.



102. Time to get off the rollercoaster!


100. The final spin!