103. Are you feeding yourself (or are you still spoon fed?)

A thought provoking and powerful blog this week, from my guide to you, with love xx

Hello sweet ones. Thank you for being here with us and enjoying this beautiful space together.

Imagine for moment if you will, a thick heavy dark mist. It is the mist of stuck energy and it is lying at the bottom of your planet.

This dark mist is a culmination of everything that humans feed on. Choices that they make, the heavy thoughts that they think, the very low expectations they have.

Oh how it breaks our little hearts.! For the light is bright, the sunshine is beautiful, and the birds are singing above the mist.

Sadly, so many of you are fed thoughts, foods, ideas, beliefs, expectations, perceptions by those who are consumed by the grey mist. 

The grey mist is in fact lies. It is a great big giant falsehood. It is not the truth. It is not what is available.

Be careful sweet ones. There are those who appear to be important, with knowledge, and looking to always help.

But sadly this is not true.

So many of you are receiving energy from those who are resourced only by the grey mist. Can you imagine the impact of that?

Human beings are eating the mist, thinking the mist, drinking the mist, bathing in the mist. And because it is something that they have always done, because it is something that everyone around them is doing, because it is completely the norm, they stick with it. They do not realise that there is an alternative.

But you sweet one, you do know. How do we know you know? Because you are here! And as you know these words have a very high vibration, it is not just the words that you are reading that is having an impact, but the frequency from which they come.

Stop please. Stop seeing yourself as limited, stop seeing yourself as controlled, with no options. Even if it’s just a teeny bit…

The breath of air, the Sun on your skin, the extraordinary colours of the butterfly, and the freedom of light are all waiting for the next generation to lift up into that space.

Another beautiful space of endless possibilities, of extraordinary joy, is being beautifully filled more more every day by beautiful souls who are ready for a different way of life.

For that is the truth.

Light, love, freedom, joy. They are there for every human being on Earth. Take a breath sweet ones, sink into that deep knowing and rise up.

We love it when you rise up, we love to support you in the light, we love to support you rising and feeling joyful.

So pretty please, spread the love, spread the hope, spread the joy, spread the smiles, spread the happy thoughts and ideas… There is a different way, and every single person gets to choose.

It is time to feed yourself!

We love you. We are with you every step of the way. Talk to us and ask us questions, you may be delighted to hear us whispering in your ear.



104. Come fly with us…


102. Time to get off the rollercoaster!