109. Go bigger please!

Hey everyone…

Channeled guidance for you from my guide.

This one is very powerful!!


Love Tonja xx

Hey sweet souls

Together we share this time, and oh, how we enjoy it!!

As a sweet human bean, you are desiring to know your purpose, your big reason for being you.

The reason is simple, just being you is the reason!

And if you are ready to rise to a greater challenge, be the very best most happy version of you.


The great news is….

We are here to guide you and be your secret advisors!

That just makes us giggle. You can have us in your ear, in your pocket, in your handbag! We will be anywhere you want us to be!

Your dreams and goals and desires? They need revising. They need investigations. Because they are actually sincerely tiny. They do not nearly reflect your capacity, your capability or your potential.

Well, you did ask!

Your big dreams need to open wider x100000. Yes, sweet ones, you heard us correctly. Your current longings are the human longings, not the soul longings… (well, for the majority of you anyway!)

Ratch it all up and play a bigger game. It won’t feel big and scary and impossible. With us in your pockets it will feel possible and fun, it will feel exciting and joyful. Because we will show you how. We will accidentally on purpose put what you need in your way, cancel trains so that you meet the right person, create a sick day so that you can spend time exploring a new opportunity, give you a power cut so that you have to change your plans and that will lead you to meeting a very important person… hehe… we lay it all out for you. All you have to do is smile, laugh and accept!!

So, be ready!!

We love you so so much!



110. The twists and turns!


108. Sweet Soul Singing