106. The view from the top!

Hiya… here is the blog for this week.

Channeled in the small wee hours, from my guide to you.

I hope this one resonates

Love Tonja xx

Hello Dear Sweet ones. Thank you so much for being here with us and receiving this energy from higher arms.

We come with a gift of vision, of wisdom, with knowing. 

We would love to give you a very powerful view. Something that may help you change the way you look and feel.

It doesn’t matter where you are on your journey. You may be at the bottom of the mountain, trying hard to find the path, unsure which route to take, overwhelmed by the scale of the climb ahead.

Or….you may be at the bottom of the mountain, excited to step onto the path in front of you, so happy to have the opportunity to experience the climb, to feel the wind in your face, the breeze in your hair, the Sun and the rain on your skin.

On the journey you may feel gratitude and joy with every step you take.

Or….On the journey you may feel that your bag is so heavy, the others are overtaking you, that your body hurts, and you are unsure if you will ever make it.

You may stand at the top of the mountain and feel elated, delighted, and inspired by your own achievements. You may feel so much gratitude for your mind, for your body and for your soul, for getting you all the way up to this point.

Or….when you reach the top you may feel exhausted, you may look down at how far you have come, and already feel dread at the journey back home, the endurance it will take to get back down.

Dear sweet ones, the point is you get to choose.

You get to choose how you view the world, you get to choose how you feel, how you react, and how you feel about yourself.

This is an important lesson. Because how you feel is your choice, how you react to situations is your choice. You get to choose how you feel.

You can to choose your reactions, your interpretation of situations, and how you feel. You can choose your thoughts. You can choose how to respond, to make the best out of every situation.

Whatever is going on for you right now, there are those around you who are looking for someone to lead with a new view. That can be you. You get to choose.

We love you



107. Ease your grip 🦋


105. Untie the wrapping!