70. Slow slow fast!

Hey everyone

The blog this week has a beautiful message… I think you will enjoy this one!! 💕

Love Tonja x

Our sweet ones!! Oh how we love to wrap our arms around your beautiful souls. Oh how we love you.

Today another important message for you! Stay with us and grow, learn and rejoice.

There is something to be said for the slow pace. For the relaxed state of being, when the mind is soft and happy, and the body is easing into healing. Mmmmm……. just hearing those words makes you feel so deeply calm and relaxed.

So sweet ones… please hear these healing words. Go slow and then you can recoup and then go fast. It’s a wonderful process.

Slow all the time is boring, uneventful and stagnant. All the time fast is exhausting, hard, depleting, blocking of your flow and …. haha…..slow. Yup. We know. But you know this to be true too!

When you are in the fast lane all of the time, you loose momentum, your ideas and creativity get all stuck and boring and your mind and body feel empty of charge.

Can you feel that?

We love you and we see you trying so hard.

So take a hot message from your favourite angels…. do less to achieve more. This has been a well kept secret for so long, and we are letting that secret out of the packet.

Take your time in your day/ your month and your year to stop. Listen to the buzzy bees and listen too the flowers grow. Listen too your heart beating and listen to your thoughts.

Let go of anything. In that moment just be with the bees. They have a lot to teach you sweet ones.

Sometimes you need bigger breaks because bigger things want to come through.

So would you just take a little down time sweet ones.? It will do you so much good!

Resting in nature, feel your heart open and the light within you sparkle. Connect with your own wisdom and connect with your inner pool of infinite and incredible love.

You are loved.

You are taken care of.

We love it when you are happy.

We love it when you are smiling.

We love it when your body is filled with sweet relaxed soft flow.

Connect with yourself, with your loved ones and leave the washing up, the paper work, the tidying. That does not feed your soul.

What feeds your soul is connection, laughter, p[eace, and love.

So do more of what makes you happy. Let go of the shoulds, the what if’s and I must.

Instead play like sweet children, fill up with wonder at the small miracles all around.

Soft time will take you to productive creative and abundant times.

We all want that for you.

So sweet ones, we love you so much. Ask for our support any time and as many times as you wish, there is no limit.



71. 3 layers


69. There is an easy route