202. Learning Old tricks!


A blog post of power!


Love T xx

Dear sweet Ones. You are here!! Wonderful. We are extremely happy to be with you today. Please take a moment and connect to your whole self (eyes closed) and feel us with you. Feel the warmth, love and support right here.


And so, let us begin.

Imagine a heavy mist decending over your sweet planet thousands of years ago. A mist that was numbing, limiting of vision and joy, a mist that infiltrated everything, and lay quietly within everything.

This mist moved the humans to predominantly feel separate and operate from a place of fear, ego and misery.

It sank deep into the energy and predominantly blocked the collective consciousness, natural ascension and deep awareness of ones own power.

Take a moment sweet ones, all will be well. The mist is lifting.

Let us paint a picture for you.

Many many moons ago the energy was light. The beings on Earth were different. They lived with hope, creativity, inspiration, love, harmony, joy, health and connection. They also used their intuition and unique gifts easily and readily. They tapped into the power of the collective consciousness, for the highest and greatest good. They were tuned in and activated.

Now a new Earth is coming, rising, growing and gathering. And you, our dear ones, are an important part of it.

We ask you to bring even more awareness to the clues that are laid out for you, the magic all around you, your dreams, your inner knowings and messages. We know you take care to bring love and kindness and joy to your beautiful world, and we ask you show this, spread this and lead with this energy even more. It is the cornerstone to change. You are the change.

The mist is lifting and the sun is streaming in. Get ready for joys, inspiration, healing and change! Open up to remembering you are a magical being of light and change. Remember the ancient ways of being and communicating, and use that expansion to amplify your whole life.

We are with you.

Loving and supporting, every day.

Keep with the joys, they are the gateway to changes.

We love you.

Lovelovelove WeR1


203. Your Call!


201. The Joy of prosperity