98. Unlearn (please!)

Hi everyone.

Such a beautiful reminder today. We all need this one, for sure!


Love Tonja xx

oh. How we love and enjoy our sweet connecting.

So sweet ones.

There is power in the simple, the sweet and the free.

Yes. There is so much power in unlearning your boring adult ways and instead loosen up, relax and jump! Become a child and rejoice in the wonder of the natural world.

There are miracles everywhere you look. But the grown ups often forget to look and actually see, too busy are they to notice that they are actually in the most perfect place at the most perfect time. Surrounded by beauty and love and the very best energy, instead they are seeking the answers everywhere but in front of their sweet noses!

Oh how we giggle (and feel a little frustrated too). Nature is your best friend. The uncurling of the leaf, the perfect raindrop balanced on the petal, the billions of grains of sand, the huge and textured tree trunks. (And don’t even get us started on the animals!).

The blissful love is all around you sweet ones, transporting you.

So no more shying away from curiosity, no more rushing and missing. Pause and soften sweet ones. Look around you and feel how utterly lucky you actually are. Witness the small things with love, and the big things will be taken care of (if you know what we mean!)

Find the fun, and life will open up. We are not kidding and skidding, we mean it! 😁

Have a happy day in the sunshine of your heart!

We love you!



99. One way or another…


97. Tiny drops of everything