97. Tiny drops of everything

Hi everyone.

Here is the blog. Channeled messages and guidance from my guide to you. Hope this resonates and you enjoy.

Love Tonja xxx

Oh how we love you. That is our first feeling. And we love connecting here with you. Soul to soul. We all love it, and there is a lot of us now!

Please know that we love and appreciate this time with you very so much. It is very special to us. We love that you are enjoying this connection too.

Time and space and matter get so in the way of your understanding sweet ones.

It makes you feel lonely and separate and it makes everything feel hard.

Like you are pushing a great big giant rock up hill all the time, and that’s what all your friends and family are doing too, so you start to believe it be the truth. The only way.

Can we let you into a secret? It’s fibs. Big ones.

A path has been forged, away from the golden light. A path of boulders and darkness, of pain, and feelings of being alone and lonely. And now, because so many are trudging uphill with their big boulders, the hard way is looking like the only way.


The golden way of light is the old way of truth and most can’t see it, because their boulders are hiding the way! (you know how we love analogies! It helps you to understand! But this isn’t really an analogy…)

Here is a little known fact.

Within you is the same energy that makes the sweet earth sing with joy. Within you is the same energy that was within the great thinkers, the greatest creatives, the movers and shakers…. yes…

Sweet ones… you are made up of millions of droplets, droplets of everything. Drops of all the possibilities ever thought of, ever felt, ever invented. You are holding all the secrets and all the power right there, within you.

You are not separate at all. It is not a competition at all.

You are all of the same. A collection of rainbow droplets with sunbeams and sparkles. Of supreme loving power that is beyond your wildest dreams.

And yet, most of you, (even those of you who feel like you are ‘awake’ are still living in the shadows).

You have everything you need within you.

You have explosive, dynamic and awe-inspiring powerful energy right at your fingertips. Because you are THE golden light.

Stop blocking your own sunbeams and open your arms wide to all the opportunities and possibilities.

No more feeling scared. Wanting it all to be tidy and contained and neat (and in fear).

Now is the time to gather and love, to rejoice and be brave. The time is here for expansion. You are here because you are ready.

Lean on us, we will support you, as you connect and rise, bold and clear.

We love you sweet ones. All day every day. And we are with you every step of the way.



98. Unlearn (please!)


96. Are you ready?