96. Are you ready?
Hey… here it is… the blog of the week. And the energy and information in this one is SO POWERFUL!
Much love Tonja xx
Sweet ones… this is an important time…and we know that you know that… you are sensing it aren’t you?
Well, we have some news for you.
There is a shift about to happen. And if you are reading this… haha.. which you are, then you are already feeling it.
There is a warm embrace of energy around you, as you are being encouraged to shed the layers of old, and start opening up to a new.
Sounds mysterious and exciting our sweet ones? That is because it is!!
Imagine another planet full of possibilities and joy, a planet that is similar to your beloved, yet different.
On this dreamy planet love is the winner, the leader and the connector. It is the language that is known by all. And because of this, the energy is accepting, open, changing and diverse… the energy is spontaneous and flowing and kind.
When there is no fear, everything looks very very different. Close your eyes and just imagine.
This is where is gets so exciting. 😁
That planet is coming in close, and lots of that energy will be seeping into your planet.
Many will feel a little lighter, a little happier, a little more springy and sprightly.
Some of you (this is you sweet one) will notice the different energy and feel delighted and brave, happy and bold.
Because our loves, this is a time for you to open to new energy. It is not that you will necessarily do anything differently (not at first anyway), but you will start to feel different. And if you focus on that good feeling, it will grow. You will know, feel and believe this new light has arrived. And you will open up to a bigger change than you thought was possible in this life.
Because nothing is written that you can’t exceed expectations sweet ones..
Wrap that new light around you and feel the difference. This will help you to make more things happen. 😁Magic at your fingertips!
Believe and know and trust and feel and love and share and dare to be bold. Because if you are reading this, you are one of the ones that have chosen to shift and make a difference. To your life and many many others.
Vision big, dream big. Hold onto that feeling, and then act in this new light.
Be bold sweet ones, spread the love, the light and spread the feeling that it is all possible.
We will be with you, and you open and allow these new lights to arrive and envelop you.
Thank you from us all.
We love you.