95. Cycling is good for you!

Hey everyone… here it is… the blog of the week. Channeled from my guide directly to you!!

Hope this one resonates and you enjoy!!

Sweet ones!! We so love this precious connection time every week.

We see you, we notice you. We love you.

Something perhaps you need reminding of today?

There are cycles in life. It is not all one straight line until you fall off the end! Oooh how dull that would be!!

no. There are ups and downs, there are cycles.

There are times to hibernate. To replenish. To relax, look after yourself. Just being gentle. This time is for the sofa, for the bed, for the car, for the horizontal!!

There are times to start the flurry of excitement, the bud of ideas, the surge of fresh energy. Getting up, unfurling, opening.

There are times of full blown high as a cloud energy. The kind that gets you whizzing and skipping and creating. A time of blooming and thriving, singing and thrilling…

All the times, all the seasons and all the cycles.

Now, sweet ones. Everyone is different. Some people have all the seasons in one day. Some are steadily undulating through the waves. Some are dancing through the highs and sinking deep into the lows.

And the point? The point our dear ones is that you must listen to you and your own cycling. No point pushing if every part of you wants to be quiet. (And no point trying to just BE if you are fizzy whizzing with new found energy!)

There are times to replenish. These times are not a waste of time. They are very deeply and incredibly important. They will steady you and keep you balanced. They will help you thrive when you move into the next cycle.

So, dear sweet ones. Oh how we want you so very much to stop and listen to you. To your Soul. To your Body. You know the answers. And if lying down is a must then please do it. If a long midday sleep is a must, then you must!! If a fizzy day means no nature and no meditation time, then all is well. Because your cup over floweth with all the rest you needed in the last cycle!!

See how it works?

You will not all be at the same point, depending on the weather. Nope. It doesn’t work like that either!! And the fact is the replenishment times can take longer than expected. It can be frustrating, but sweet ones… Think of the big glorious pictures. (Not the tiny view-point right now!).

Think big and bold. And relax and wait. Pick up the cues from us (we are your special team after all!!) and also from your body. Notice how you are feeling.

No rush. No pressure. No way!!

The rewards will be oh so much brighter and greater if you can ease into patience and rest.

Rest well sweet ones, and we will rest with you, and help you to heal.

We love you



96. Are you ready?


94. Missing the point